It’s just a business plan, how hard could it be?

So you have a new business idea?


Write up a business plan so we can see what you are thinking they say.  Oh you know, the royal they.  They who might mentor you if they like what you are doing, they who might fund you if they think your idea has potential, they who might offer sound and sage advice and lead you through this next stage…this maybe scary stage, this highly exciting stage, if only you could capture what you are thinking on paper.

It’s easy to talk about it.

You’ve been telling everyone you meet about it.

The response has been wonderful.

So you set aside the time, seclude yourself from the world, crack your knuckles (metaphorically I hope) and stare at that clean sheet of paper… Ack!  Where have the last two hours gone?  You only spent 5 min choosing just the right font family, but then that didn’t work with the style set you picked so you really had to spend another 5 minutes getting those matched up.  Now the title…”It should be in a colour, shouldn’t it”?  What should my colours be?  Hmm, maybe I should research the best colours for a business like mine.  Wow, look at all these great ideas about how to pick the right colours for your logo…Logos?  Ooooh, these are nice, I wonder who designed those, what else have they designed?  Oh look at this great art site…

…and you’ve yet to capture the words you so desperately need and trap them to the page with ink or type. What is it about the clean fresh sheet of paper that daunts us so?

If this all sounds a little too familiar then it’s time for help. That’s where I come in. Contact Me Today

I have the skills and experience to create attention-grabbing, thought-provoking, persuasive material. Writing is not only my craft and livelihood, but my passion, so let me help you acheive success through effective written communication.